Tuesday, November 07, 2006

High Hiking with my son.

The weather this weekend, actually the past ten days or so, has been rather wet and nasty. (I think our web feet are starting to come back. LOL) So Kiwi and I did not go on a hike. But I was able to pull a video out of the hat. :-)

I was a mean dad and took my son on a hike real soon after he returned from Mexico. He is not as fond as hiking as Kiwi is, but a little forced paternal bonding never hurts. ;-) LOL So we woke up real early and hit the road. The destination was about 30 miles west of Port Angeles, next to the Sol Duc River. We were going to do the High Divide Loop.

This strenuous, long trek is about the best day hike in the Olympics. In summer you'll see almost every wildflower that grows in Olympic National Park. From High Divide you can watch climbers on Mount Olympus and hear the Blue Glacier grumble and burp. Roosevelt elk bugle in the fall while black bear lounge in purple huckelberry fields.

Regret that Kiwi was not on this hike, but it was in the ONP where pets are not allowed. :-(

So away we go...

Vid 1

Vid 2

Wish I could make this hike again over a beautiful 3 day trip with ACDL for all the photo opportunities. Would be awesome.

1 comment:

Mike said...


Thank you for your kind comments. Yes, hiking the loop was one thing, enjoying it is another. :-) You are right in that a couple of pack llamas would be useful for a good photo shoot. Plus several days to experience it in style of course. There really were plenty of things to shoot, especially if you have a photographic eye. And it was kinda fun making the videos, with their good weather when its been raining outside for a while now. LOL

Have to admit that when Jordy and I heard the bear, we both snapped our necks to look at each other to see if the other was the source. And then our eyes got real big and we were real still when we instantly knew it was not us. The sound must have been within 30 yards I guess. Don't really know but it sounded close. Whew.

Jordy had game, I'll give him credit. But I should have packed more food for him, as the video shows. LOL We had fun warming up the MRE's and enjoying the beautiful wilderness together.

Hope the weather changes soon for us, so Kiwi can go out. Or we'll test her new rainsuit. :-)

R/ Mike