Thursday, September 14, 2006

No cropping there....

Actually ACDL, it was my son. He's not the most photogenic fellow around. His mother and I do love him and we try to do what we can for his condition, but after hearing the neighbors over the years asking us to keep him covered up, we have just learned to naturally not take pictures of his face. Here is a picture of him early on when he was wild.

Soon after his true nature had been revealed, we took measures to tie-up, or restrict, no, rather we did what we could to modify his behavior. Talk about the terrible two's. I'm sure he was the reincarnation of Warner Bro's Tasmanian Devil. Here is another shot of him after a heavy does of medicine. We normally sedated him for public outings with elephant tranquilizers. He looks deceptively calm in this one, almost cuddly. He was so snaggle-toothed he could eat watermelon through a freshly painted picket fence without getting his lips wet.

When he was able to walk, around 4-5 years or so I reckon, we tricked him to sit for a family photo, shown below. The photographer took about 3 roles of film but we did get one decent shot. You should have seen the studio after he understood that he wasn't gonna get a rhinoceros for sitting for the picture. Ooooeeeee! He was an angry little varmint.

Anywho, long story short, we had to get a cattle dog. It was the only breed that would tolerate him. The two will get to scrapping pretty good with each other at times, but we got a handle on that now. A firehose and separate crates.


Mike said...

ACDL, All done with a humorous glint in my eye and in the spirit of fun.

Yes, the interweb famous "Mullet Family".

Emory's recent shot at the counter keeping the hounds at bay gave me an idea. Just need to flesh it out.

R/ Mike :-)

Anonymous said...

Too funny!