So far this month, Kiwi and I have hiked Marmot Pass. Located in the Buckhorn Wilderness, it is a 10+ miler, round trip that has an elevation gain of ~3500 feet. Definitely a two-Tylenol hike. On these more strenouous outings Kiwi will not be burdened with her back-packs. She'll have her Ruff-Wear harness attached so her owner won't lag to far behind or get lost. :-) Actually we hiked Marmot the first two weekends in July. The weather was perfect both times. However, the camera failed on the first trip. Arghh! Talk about frustration, I bled on that hike. Oh well, the following weekend was perfect for a return trip. So revitalized, bandaged, and with a backup camera, Kiwi lead the way.
Here Kiwi is exploring the the early stages of the Dungeness River as it makes it way down from snowmelt. Yes it is clear, sensuously clear and frikkin COLD! But Kiwi doesn't mind at all. She excitedly explores all over. Not going in anything deeper than her belly. Maybe she does notice the temperature. haha
Another nice feeder stream that sounded real nice as it made it's way down the mountain. If you look just right you'll see Kiwi sorta smirking. I believe its because she knows not to add any fluids to the pure mountain runoff. ;-) Even when she has to empty the bowels, all on her own, she will go off the side of the trail and do her business. Gives me a good feeling, as one of the main complaints on the trails is people not picking up after their pets. This lack of responsibility takes its course and ends up with pets being banned. For example 99% of Olympic National Park does not permit pets. However, one tree over in the Olympic National Forest, leashed pets are permitted. Really rubs me the wrong way, beacuse there is so much to explore in the park. That reminds me, I need to check my next year destination to see if they permit pets. Hopefully get to hike up in Banff, Canada. That will provide some logistic challenges with Kiwi, so I have my homework cut out for me.
As we continue our trek upward and onward to Camp Mystery, Kiwi stopped occasionally to enjoy the flowers as they begin to bloom in abundance. We went across a couple areas of scree that were very little trouble.
Off to our right as we ascend and break out of heavily forested area, we are able to take in the ridgeline. No snow here as it receives more exposure from that big bright thing in the sky.
After Kiwi takes another water refill at Camp Mystery, which is that last stop before reaching the Pass, she pushes on. On the previous weekend we saw about five campers and enjoyed a good half-hour break on our return. Nice friendly folk. (note to self, take more pics of fellow hikers) The picture below shows Kiwi taking in the bowl right at the pass. If you follow the trail she is on, you will be at the pass in a New York minute. Then you get to take in the super vistas that are all around you.
Ok, the next few shots are Kiwi hamming it up for the camera while enjoying the surrounding views. We followed one trail to the left that lead us to roughly triangular plateau where we sat and ate lunch. While snacking, we were able to hear the whistle of one of the local marmots. And Kiwi found out that marmot scat was a previously unheard of hiking delicacy.
Some nice flora that we ran across. The little "berries" remind me of something from a kid's cereal box. Don't know what they are, but they sure do look nice.
Kiwi does have a fondness for snow. She'll take her chomp and play with with. Roll around in it and genrally has a good time. Below she is cooling her jets while dad catches his breath. "slow two-legged mammal" is what she seems to be thinking.

Pure Austalian Cattle Dog

Neener-neener dad, I can touch my nose with my tongue and you can't. haha This pic of Kiwi also, somewhat, shows her "eyeliner". The blackness around her eyes that trail off in the direction of her ears. Reminds me of the egyptian paintings in King Tuts exhibit. I know its corny, but she is a queen at times. LOL

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