Jasmine, another beautiful ACD from Washington, Vancouver Washington that is, had a real surprise on one of her recent hikes. (
Kiwi resting next to me, just sighed and farted. Nasty flavored rawhide recycled, ewwwww)
First off, meet Jasmine's family, Emory and Rebecca, who have lovingly taken in an ACD rescue into their Northwest home and have provided lots of TLC for Jasmine.

Now is that a Northwest setting or what? So there they were, Rebecca and Jasmine hiking in the Columbia River Gorge area when they spotted a COUGAR from a distance! Rebecca was quick with both mind and camera. She commanded Jasmine to lie down and stay, then was able to pull off the photo of the puma before it took off.
(I remember Kiwi being charged by a mountain goat when hiking Mount Ellinor. My sphincter was so tight a single spider-web strand wouldn't passed.) Take a look at the picture, man, it gets me excited just thinking about being in that situation, with no protection. Props to the girls.

Rebecca has let it be known that when on family hikes, Emory provides protection from dangerous critters. Sometimes he says firearm protection is warranted, but her version of Emory's protection has something about "ode de Sasquatch". ;-) But just look at that smile of his. I'm sure he could charm the whole hive of honey from a bunch of busy Ethiopian bees. According to rare archival documentation, below, Emory has been charming the wild things for a long time now
(he's the one holding the stick thingy). Whichever story you believe, when hiking, one must be on the look out for the wild things in the Northwest.

Here's another great shot of Jasmine out on a hike. I think I see a hint of a smirk as she is thinking "poor flatlanders" while posing for the pic. LOL

No pollution in the background sky. Oh wait, The Pacific Northwest is just terrible. Lots of traffic, nowhere to shop, expensive to live, poor government institutions, lots of communicable diseases. Best advice is to stay away, yeah, just stay away. Nothing to see here, move along folks. ROFL.........
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