While I was contemplating which day hike to go on this weekend, Kiwi came up, nudged my knee and looked me square in the eye. She had her head kinda leaning to the left and that was all that was needed to complete the telepathic moment. She wanted to go to Lena Lake. She knew this time of year, when it is warm and dry, that a shady, cool, easy hike with a good stream to wash off the trail dust was just the ticket for us. And I'm glad that hike was chosen as I was feeling the single life again. (that's meant to read
tired, lol)
The family is off vacationing in

Mexico, while Dad has to do the dirty work.

But no problem, because I get to take care of the prettiest redhead this side of Seattle, Kiwi the Australian Cattle Dog. :-)
So we load up the backpacks, throw them in the Ferrari and head out. As we drive around and over to Hwy 101, we make our customary stop at the Hoodsport forestry station to chat with Penny. There has been a recent fire in the Lake Cushman area but there are no issues for those heading to Lena Lake. Probably more hikers than normal, due to some of the other trails being closed on account of the smoldering fire. So back in the Viper and away we go. As we pass the Hoodsport winery, Kiwi nudges my elbow to get my attention. I tell her no way young lady.
Sure enough, there are plenty of hikers at the trail head to Lena Lake. We get ready and Kiwi dons her Ruffwear packback and looks right outdoorsy and hikerly like, even I say so myself. With bladders empty, we hit the trail.
Kiwi made the right choice. Even though it was near ninety degrees, it was eay going in the shade of all the tall trees along the trail. Several hikers were friendly with conversation and their occasional pooches were just as freindly. Kiwi had no challenges nor any sort of issue with other four-legged hikers today.

You might ask why there are not many shots of Kiwi's dad in her blog. Well, as smart as Australian Cattles Dogs are, Kiwi hasn't, yet, learn to hold the camera steady and press the button. It might be a good idea for some clicker training. So here is a picture of Kiwi's dad from way back. (
he's the good lookin one)

So we continue to enjoy our easy hike in the tranquil setting of the Olympic Peninsula. With great views of the lake from a high vantage point, plenty of running water and just another gorgeous northwest day, Kiwi and I had a blast.

This bridge is a great turn-around point for many day hikers. I think its about 6-7 miles round trip. With the easy grade, lakeside campsights and super views, the trail does have many users.

Oh here is another pic of Kiwi's dad some time ago when he was working on submarines for the Navy. Something about radiation is bad for DNA. Or something like that. I know its not that flattering or youthful looking, but at least I don't get carded or frisked when I'm out clubbing.... much.

SoI take the backpack off Kiwi so she can play in the stream. And she enjoys it!!! Today she actually swam some instead of getting her knees wet. So I started to gingerly make my way out into the middle of the stream, looking for dry boulders to balance on. Meanwhile, Kiwi is frolicking all over the place, causing me to gyrate like a belly dancer to keep the leash untangled. Kiwi notices this and comes to join me on the boulder. No, NO Kiwi off, get off, not enough room. She looks at me, smiles and then shakes herself off, causing me to loose what balance I had and fall on my bum. Whew, that was close. I didn't get wet, but some of the hikers snapping photos on the bridge gave me the thumbs-up sign. Or was the L-shaped sign on the forehead? I couldn't quite make it out. LOL Later on I did fall because Kiwi lured me back out in the middle again. This time she bolted back to shore with me thinking "Leash!!! quick release, quick release", but noooo, there is no quick release on my end of the leash. Thankfully I brought extra socks and my hiking pants were convertible. No kibble for Kiwi. Oh yeah, the sky was beautiful and blue.

Here is the "refreshing" water that Kiwi shared with me. It was pretty easy to reach the shore after one decides that staying dry is only an option, leash or no leash. And being prepared by bringing extra clothing certainly helps. There were no issues about public nudity from any of the other hikers because, even though I was out in "public" there wasn't enough "nudity" after that cold water hit home. The twins are traveling north as I type. ROFL

So after our wet and wild fun, we took a nap in the sun overlooking the lake. Who's luvin Lean Lake now? We are! :-)
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