Will you look at that. As I'm gassing up the Viper, Kiwi is having one of her "Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny" moments. Tail thumping and sternly talking to me, "lets get this moving, the clock is ticking, I ain't got all day". So I fill it up, check the air, wash the windshield,
not, and away we go.

But not to the beach. What? You said yesterday it was destination beach for the Kiwi. Yes I did. But while lying down after prepping for the trip, I realized it would be 7 to 8 hours driving. That is too much car time for Kiwi just to enjoy a 5 mile beach walk. So I asked where else and she replied, "lick, lick, bark, lick, lick and that is where we headed.
To Silver Lake for those that don't understand Kiwi ;-)So I'm driving, excuse me, chauffeuring Kiwi to the trailhead and the road is narrow and windy. While going up hill, that makes it fun. Plus I was singing to Paul Young's "Love is in the air" disco version. I think Kiwi had her head out the window during that part. Coincidence? :-)

Where were we, oh yes, Silver Lake. If you consult Kiwi's travel logue you'll find at that it's an eleven mile hike with a 2,300 foot elevation gain and a peak at 5,700 ft. So its back into the Buckhorn Wilderness for Kiwi and the pack animal. You can see her grin as she looks at me with the backpack. (
dumb burro) LOL

We climbed steeply into high country the first mile, passing rhododendrons along the way. There are plenty of switchbacks on this trail, I quit counting after 20. After a long climbing traverse through the forest, we arrived at a steep alpine meadow that provided nice views of open avalanche chutes.

Just another good shot of the prettiest redhead I know. ;-)

Not the greatest pic below, but there are some "alpine wildflowers". Saw some pretty red ones, blue, purple, white, yellow and even orange. But what you don't see in the "Sound of Music" beauty, is the darn bumble bees. Late in the year, plenty of warmth, flowers in bloom and yes, bees going around to pollinate. I dressed in subtle colors that were not any like the "wildflowers" we saw. Didn't want any bee to try and pollinate me.
bbiab Kiwi needs time. Ok back, she had to go piddle. However, the bees were incessant with their droning. Maybe they weren't trying to pollinate me but they could have considered me the man from the census bureau and wanted me to buzz off. :-)

Some flavor of Northwest woodpecker. It was about 10 feet away.

The trail switched back around a waterfall and steadily climbed toward the alpine flats of Camp Windy. Looking south, brings us Mount Baker in the distance and a higher, better view of the chutes.

We gave the right of way to a group of people and their "pack animals". Some mellow llamas were coming back from their camping expedition. I couldn't tell from Kiwi's smirk, whether she wanted to herd the slow-gaited pack laborers or if she classified
me as one of the slow-gaited pack laborers. ROFL. But she minded her manners and charged after no one. Not even a bark or muffled whuff.

A sneak at the peak for a future trip. That is Mount Townsend behind Kiwi at 6,280 ft.

And so we find ourselves at OUR highpoint and take a couple photos and
video for prosperity.

Little did I know that Silver Lake was another two miles further, with about 1.5 of that going downhill. Man, up, down, up, down and this wasn't my best day. (explained later)
Some more wildflowers surrounding a wild-child. I believe she is looking at me thinking,
"I'm much prettier than these flowers, right dad? Riigghhtttt? :-)

And a small waterfall about half a mile from Silver Lake. (
camera hog, or should that be dog? hehe)

Voila, Silver Lake. Which actually contains Eastern Brook trout. Nice, clear and nestled away for some lucky adventurers to encounter. Several camping parties passed us as we hiked nearer.

Here's the princess posing in peaciful bliss. (that would make a good wallpaper, no?)

Overlooking her palacial pool. She SO wanted to jump in after last weeks fun at
Lena Lake. But it was a small body of still water that I didn't consider the freshest, trout or no trout. Plus there were plenty of insects all over, so no wet-n-wild fun this time for Kiwita.

So stay tuned, or nowadays bookmarked, for another upcoming adventure of Kiwi the Australian Cattle Dog.
Oh yeah, the explanation. Well last night during prep for the trail. I washed my hiking boots. Licky Kiwi has her's done in no time. :-) Well anywho, I'm loading up the car this morning, toss the boots, backpack, etc in the Rolls and head up. After mucho driving, we arrive at the trailhead. As I go to put my boots on, I did a double-take. Whatha.... Oh man. I had forgotten to put the laces BACK IN the boots. Needless to say, no records were set today, but no blisters either. But coming back down did produce some sore little piddies that went
wee, wee wee all the way down the mountain. ROFL
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