The day started out like most. Up at 4:45 to walk Kiwi 4 miles before heading off to the salt mines to earn a few shekels. Arrive back at the palatial estate, change clothes and remove Kiwi from her kennel. Throw on the leash and head for our "stretch the legs before we eat walk".
Man there was a lot of traffic just to cross the street in front of our house. Hmmm. We start on our way and very soon run up to an accident scene. The police had rerouted traffic, hence the more than normal cars on our yellow brick road, and were waiting for the tow-trucks to arrive. A small car had collided with a local beer delivery van. The front of the car was pretty tore up, but the van was on its side! I could see the cans piled up against the back window. Even though it was the first time I snapped pics of a "scene", I somehow felt guilty. Because I was not involved or anything. But it was in a public area and the cop didn't even give me a second glance. I'll post the pic tommorrow.

After dinner we prepared to go to Kiwi's first day of advanced class at our local Petsmart. Where we get to enjoy our favorite instructor Kelly. She has me trained to talk to her everytime I go there. If I'm real good, she'll give me a treat. LOL

So we park and start another walk before class to exercise some more and I run into an old aquaintance, Phil. We chatted for awhile and then continued our walk. Several minutes later, we run into another friend, Tom. And we start to chat in the parking lot. So Kiwi is at my side, anxious to be moving, when I see something out of the corner of my eye. That thing turned out to be a van! I quickly stepped forward while pulling on Kiwi's leash to get out of the way. Well as I looked down I saw her tail get run over! Of course she yelped. The people in the van, elderly couple, stopped immediately and started apologizing. I saw that Kiwi was alright, feeling her tail and her not in any pain. Whew, that was close. Several people came to check on Kiwi and their interest made me feel better ( I thought I was partly to blame, but they all said no). As we were walking away heading to class, looking in ALL directions, I thought what if Kiwi had her hind quarters caught by the tire. Man I started tearing right up and had to push those thoughts away immediately. Can't go there.
Anywho, that happened right before advance class. So Kelly made the introductions and laid out our agenda for the course. We got right into the lesson and I saw Kiwi was still a little strung out, so she wasn't at her best. She is definitely excused though. Here are some pics of Kiwi's classmates. I hope I get all the names correct. :-)
The Golden girl here is Ginger.

This mellow marvel is Mia. She is really cool.

And I can't recall the name of this sweetheart. Rum & coke is kicking in. :-)

Here we have Phoebe, which I believe has some ACD in her.

And this well behaved BC is named Blue.
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