Well this little critter was that the last photo worthy subject Kiwi ran across during her walk this evening. I saw the lump in grass and since it seemed out of place, we investigated. Or rather I did. I kept Kiwi right next to me, but at arm's length. I really don't think she ever noticed it. I got really close but it never moved. Just saw its side heaving in and out with its labored breathing. Finally got a stick and smoothed the grass next to the little booger but he wouldn't move, nary a whisker. Finally saw the blood on his front paws. Didn't seem much, but maybe he was ran over or something and this was his post traumatic stress freeze. So we left him to survive or not.

Now this fellow below keeps saying hi to Kiwi every time we take this route. Her white knight is even chivalrous enough to escort her to the other side of the fence, shouting and praising Kiwi's beauty for all to hear. Thankfully this is only one lone knight and there are no other vying for Kiwi's affection along this stretch of her journey.

The shots below (
Kiwi, right now, is playing with the door stop thingy, sproing, sprooinnggggg, bark, sproingg, whuff, sproing, too funny) are just for me to see what my camera can do. Canon 400 Powershot on normal, 3x zoom, and then 12x with digital zoom and an unsteady hand. Or it could have been the anticipation of the rum & coke after the walk. ;-)

Really like the small pocket camera. And this is just a pretty blue Northwest sky. So much better than when I worked in LA.

Today, because of me being on call, in case the world needed saving or something, Kiwi and I stayed local. We went to local parks in different towns, Silverdale and Poulsbo. Or as the folk in Poulsbo call it, "the village".
First Poulsbo, with its small, quaint norwegian feel. Beautiful day, and what do you know, some festivity going on at the marina park. Small and homey, but Kiwi and I enjoyed ourselves none the less, as we mingled amongst all the others.

Not the greatest pics, but still a good time.
Then we headed over to the "main" street. Definitely quaint and folksy but laid back and such wonderfuls smells emanating all over the place. Sluy's bakery, the chocolate store, barbeque from the beach. Kiwi was so mentally drooling that when I stopped to talk to some people, she started nibbling on some of the decorative floral displays. LOL So funny to look down and see a blue flower in her red ACD mouth. :-)

By the way, she got the lower floral displays. LOL

After walking in Poulsbo, we drove over to the waterfront park in Silverdale. Man, another activity in progress. Our lucky local day.

Turns out this weekend at the Silverdale marina there was some boat racing going on. Great sunny day, plently of friendly people and Kiwi minding her manners the whole time. Not even one piddle in public, whew. (
listening to this as I blog, dating myself ROFL)
Look Mildred, its ona dem thar weener dogs and it has a rainbow leash. :-)

And even though this little boy is doing a poor
John Travolta or asking Kiwi to look up, he did this several times. Never could understand what he wanted. Kiwi would just look at him like the old
RCA icon, Nipper.

See, it was a boating event. Why else would they try to sell little boats?
(Remember this tune?) Heard some acceptable music coming from the PA system while Kiwi and I strolled along the park taking in the activities and shade when available.

I almost forgot about this. :-) Well since the family is vacationing in Mexico, I had the whole place to myself, chores and all. Well it was time to do the dishes. Simple enough, no? Rinse off the big stuff, throw it in the dishwasher, add soap and git 'r done. Well three degrees and three more certificates doesn't mean your smart by any means. Yup, I put the WRONG "dish-washing" soap in the dishwasher. Man, that thing takes a long time when your manning the bucket and swab brigade. Kiwi even got in the act.
Telling me what she thought of the incident. I'll leave it up to you to translate, because it makes my ears red. ROFL

Quickly, get away from the machine. Get far away. Ok, how about the dog park? Just look at those two faces. Only a mother could love those. LOL I keed, I keed. These fellas were two of four basset flavored pooches that day at the park. These guys were mello and good dog park citizens. One of them sniffed out the treats I had in my shirt pocket. Little bugger stayed with me at my feet the rest of the time he was there. He wasn't rude, no barking nor whining, but that sad puppy dog face followed me everywhere. :-) Plleeeaasssseeeeeeeee mister, can I have a treat?

The park has its own watering hole too.

And even those pretty, polite little poop bags. Some big enough for Romo. LOL Romo is about 10 months. Glad I don't pay his food bill or pick up his turds.
Kiwi and the bassets, showing about a fourth of the "dog park"

There's my girl.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. Here is a
video of Kiwi "herding" Jack. Jack was not hurt, Jack's dad is cool with this since no blood was drawn. But is this bad? Is Kiwi becoming a teenager and trying to establish herself? She has only done this once or twice. Can this be controlled? Is it part of an ACD lifestyle? Share your opinions please.
1 comment:
I'm finally adding a comment here... I've been watching the Kiwi blog since it was announced on the ACD-L, and enjoying it very much. Keep up the good work!
As to Kiwi's herding Jack, it's a pretty typical way for ACDs to play. It can eventually escalate to the full speed body slam. That's generally only appreciated by other ACDs, though. Have you checked Jack after one of these incidents? Is there slobber on his flank? If so, you might want to try to temper her enthusiasm.
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