What a great way to start the day. I took Kiwi out for a late night piddle, ~1030pm, and she let me sleep in till 7:00!!! Wahoo! Felt so good to snooze some extra Z's. And so the day starts for us.
And away we go. Down the hill, with cars passing occasionally. Kiwi in a right smart heel. We start to bottom out and we hear this strange noise coming from the undeveloped area on the right. We both turned our heads at the strange sound, ears on alert but no bark from Kiwi, so I knew it wasn't dangerous. Oh well, we kept going.

Another nice nay in the Pacific Northwest. We were able to catch the falling moon as it drifted off into daylight. I tried a little howl to spark the primal animal in Kiwi, but she just cocked her head in consternation and then gave me a coy look that said, "get real dad" or something like that. Kinda made me put my tail between my legs. LOL

Well I'm feeling good because of the extra sleep time, so as we saunter past Starbucks, I give them a visit. Got me a Venti blackberry green tea frappachino. Cold and mucho calories, cause it was my breakfast. Never have acquired the taste of coffee. (
shakes head in yuckiness)

We continue to amble on and find our way near a Wally World. I needed to pickup some envelopes so I could send in the order for my ACD-L 2006 sweatshirt. Wahoo!! It was still relatively early, so I took Kiwi in with me, via the garden entrance, picked up a box of envelopes and went to the self-checkout. Kiwi didn't skip a beat. Beautiful heel the entire time, no pulling, and even sat when I was busy paying right in front of the line manager. ;-) So no issues and we showed how a well socialized an ACD can act. You go Kiwi girl.

Notice the trailer below? If you haven't seen it yet, there is a
video of Kiwi recycling some material. I'm not a card-carrying tree hugger, but there isn't another planet that is ready to move on to if we screw this one up. So we do our part.

Couldn't pass up this picture as we were exiting the parking lot. Some folks camped there overnight. But click on the picture and look close at the "curtains". Got a chuckle out me. LOL

And then its just back the way we came, negotiating the traffic and being safe. Again, no issue with Kiwi next to the big road.

Well, we come back to the hill with the strange noise.

And sure enough, we heard it again. I stopped, looked around, listened mighty hard and gave it some ponderous thought. What could be making that noise. It wasn't an animal, no. Not a person. There it went again. Looking, thinking, looking, thinking, OW! need a Tylenol. ROFL But I finally figured it out. The cars way up the hill were running over a manhole cover and that sound was reflected in a different manner off the area of bushes below. That one had me stumped for a while. Kiwi must have been using her ACD mind power to assist on that one. :-)

After returning home, we prepared to go out again but with the four-wheeled conveyance this time. As I needed to buy some lumber for a project that I'm helping with.
We head over to
Buddy's and Major's place, where the project is in progress. Here's a cute
video of Buddy. My good friend Steph is trying to teach me woodworking skills. Thank goodness he has the patience and skills to do so. We are working on a custom horizontal file cabinet that will go in my office retreat.
So Steph does the brain work and crucial set-ups and then lets me have all the fun.

It is fun. Creating something useful and unique in an intricate manner is really rewarding. We're still in the framing/skeleton stage. Today we did a bunch of joint pieces for the drawers. I believe the style is called "lap" joints. They fit real well and provide a lot more strength than just nailing a two by four. Below is one of the corners undergoing a test fit. Great work huh?

Here is a shot of all the pieces that were made today. Definitely feel the work earlier today in the forearms right now. LOL

After the woodworking, Kiwi and I head out for another walk. We return home to finish our chores and prepare for our outing tomorrow. Kiwi is going to the beach for her first time. Wahoo! I hope she doesn't try to drink much of the salt water. I'll have plenty of fresh water along. And extra towels. So Kiwi bids you adios while she tackles a chewy as I finish typing like a turtle.
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