After Kiwi's brush with the bee's last week, we decided to hike a familiar trail. Even though the morning fog (
in video) was awake for our journey's start, the weather forecast was for beautiful sunshine and blue skies.
Yes, I know that I talk or perhaps brag about the weather up here in the Pacific Northwest, more than most people would. And to be completely honest, it does rain up here quite a bit. Most of us develop web feet after a year or two. LOL The reason I enjoy the weather so much, be it rain or shine, is that I had
no weather to enjoy for a little over five years. That is because I was serving in our country's submarine force for many years. Total combined underwater time was a little of five years. So if I take a little extra liberty and wax fondly of the weather, it's because, the elements, even rain, are so much better than flourescent lighting and steel bulkheads. But enough of this, on with the hike!! :-)
Kiwi is now eleven months and just about the prettiest teenage ACD around.
(At least in my eyes) LOL We chose the Mount Townsend trail because of the forcasted good weather and that the hike yields beautiful vistas to savor and enjoy.

We began a long climbing traverse through forest, arriving at a steep supalpine meadow and open avalanche chute (
in video). The trail climbs above a waterfall tributary to Townsend Creek, then begins a copious quantity of switchbacks to the summit.

After arriving at the top, you can point yourself toward Mount Rainier and rotate counterclockwise to see the Cascade mountain range, Glacier Peak, Mount Baker, and the mountains of Vancouver Island with The Needles in front. The Brothers to the west, and Mount Constance to the south. Makes me want to go hike it again tommorrow. LOL

Kiwi and I made it to the top in good time. So after taking in the views, I decided to seize me a little siesta while six thousand feet up (
Panoramic shot below). I got comfy real quick, what with no traffic, no telephone, no one wanting my time, nada. However, the tag-a-long teenager, Kiwi, did not want a cat nap. :-) I think I got about 5 minutes of peaceful shut-eye before I conceeded defeat. Kiwi was active and having fun exploring all over the ridgetop.

I guess I could see her point. There is much to take in and it was so wonderful a day. Besides, I had to make up for those lost years on the sub. ROFL
Here is Kiwi, on top of Mount Townsend, over looking the Puget Sound with Mount Baker in the distance. A beautiful vison in a magnificent view. :-)

And our accompanying video. Enjoy!!
Hey there, I have been enjoying this blog since the Richardson's gave us the link for viewings of Jasmine. It's terrific - the videos are so much fun and we are all very relieved that Miss Kiwi was okay - the "sack of potatos" made us chuckle - only after we knew you all made it out okay and are doing well now.
Thanks for the entertainment!
Brooke, Dan & Sawyer Hicks
Resident cowdoggies - Quila, Hagen & Hope with foster girl "Dora".
Pullman, WA
Thank you all for the support. Great to see other ACD furry tumors here in Washington. I hope I don't have to put Kiwi in some WU purple. LOL Just kidding. Dan looks like a mighty fine son. Thank you all and take care.
R/ Mike
We have a split family - some are crimson and my daddy-o is a husky so we don't mind purple...even though we are currently in coug-town :)
Take care,
ACDL, Glad to see you back online!! :-) The Mount Townsend hike is really nice. Interestingly enough it has the same difficulty level as Mildred Lakes, where Kiwi had here bee incident. But to me, it is a much easier hike. Your question is spot on. The first half of the hike is through forested, sub-alpine country. (no rivers or stream to speak of, you can barely hear one for a little time) About an hour and a half before breaking above the tree line. And then the hike entails quite a few switchbacks as you gain elevation, with the Mount Townsend ridgeline teasing you along. I'm looking forward to repeat the hike when its all snowed in. Can't wait to capture the white capped peaks with a clear blue sky. That would be a good opportunity for real photographers. Holler if you need a guide. LOL
The first song of the video, was Iris, by the GooGoo Dolls. There are several of theirs that I enjoy. Normally I try to have the audio form some relation to the video. For instance the second song, Mr. Blue Sky, by the Electric Light Orchestra is supposed to coincide with arriving on the ridgeline and taking in the panoramic vistas. And the crazy, funny driving back segment is backed audially with Herb Albert's, Tijuana Taxi. LOL
Again, welcome back.
R/ Mike
I meant to say Dan is a great looking son to his family and that Saywer is one cute kid of y'alls. Is that a good backstroke. LOL My apologies for the mixup. And great pictures of him in the fields, really super.
R/ Mike
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