So to get us warmed up. we enjoyed a local trail that winds it way through our little slice of heaven. Till the rainy season LOL
Just look at that smile below. You should be on the receiving end of Kiwi's kisses. LOL Yes, she has us spoiled with her affection. :-) I know it's a little silly to "humanize" our pets, but dang, just look at that photo and tell me she's not smiling. I dare ya. :-)
So away we go and we have a good time.

Ok, time for something a little different. Here is some of the non-blog info on Kiwi. Ooops, I contradicted myself. :-) Kiwi is 10.5 months now and weighs 40lbs. She's about 20 inches at the whithers. She eats Costco brand dog food. Currently transitioning from puppy to adult blend. She is fed twice a day with a total of 3 cups of kibble. Her diet is painfully simple, kibble, water, and the occasional snack. I'm worried that if we give her something else, she'll learn to beg, so I'm leery of deviating from the current regimen. Suggestions? Kiwi has an extremely high food drive. When food has the potential to be within reach of her, she is 100% attention. She will go through her whole repertoire of commands for the snack. Prey drive is not as predominant. She will go after a cat if permitted, but without having a cat for a pet, we missed that lesson. ;-)
She was exposed to goats once in a controlled environment. She did not bolt after them but did obey my commands. So, with that itsy bitsy tidbit of information I'm sure she can take BoB at the next Nationals. LOL. Knowing Kiwi, she'll have me trained to herd the stock. ROFL
Kiw is house dog. She sleeps in her crate at night and rides in a travel crate when not riding in my Ferrari. ;-) She gets about 2-3 hours of walking each day. Kiwi is killer on "soft" toys. Found out quickly that soft toys are a waste of money. 24-36 hours later, I see my money get recycled. LOL She does enjoy the peanut butter treats we work into various hard toys. The Buster Cube will occupy her for about 30 minutes. She does not "know" frisbee. I have not really taught her fetch, she is iffy on that. I'm taking my time on that and seeing if the light will go on by itself.
On the trail I'm about 90% sure of perfect off-leash behaviour, but I will keep her attached till she is about two years old, except for places I feel really secure in. In other words, no people, low risk of animals and natural dangers (bears, falls, cliffs, etc). She has never been car sick and I've never provided her with any ginger to help out motion sickness.
Thank you for visiting Kiwi's blog. It really is a journey raising an ACD. If you like, please take the time to leave a comment. It's easy to do and will be greatly appreciated by all of us. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please feel free to share. Peace.
ACDL, as always, thank you for the kind words. It certainly makes it easier to try new things when one has positive backing. Really appreciate your support.
Have to join you in the "canine vacuum" description. Kiwi surfs around our kitchen island as much as possible. Not on top though. :-) She does a fine job of making sure the floors are clean of any edibles. LOL
I understand the comment about the food, but sometimes it takes exposure to new things to allow our horizons to be broadened. I have considered a "processed raw" diet , but have done no lengthy research on the subject as Kiwi was still a "puppy". But know that she is almost physically mature, I'm curious to what might be healthy for her. I've read once or twice about a type of fish oil, but can't remember the source.
Yes, the leash thing I consider a maturity thing. Both Kiwi's and ours. Does she have a solid recall, have we established proper hierarchies, does the surroundings require a leash, etc...? As I mentioned, she is a house pet for the most part, and any separation from me has her aching and voicing her desires. :-) She really is a furry tumor if I let it happen.
The "Doggles" Tm, were purchased at PetsMart for ~$13. She tolerates them rather well but after 10-15 minutes or so, we have to watch her to prevent removal. She's a trooper though. :-)
And just about any store that doesn't prevent us, we take Kiwi inside. Lowe's, sport stores, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, etc... I have learned the lesson to make sure she is empty and I watch her as well as I can. But as she is maturing, it is less of a concern. Whew
Yep, that was Kelly and myself attempting to put a too small size costume on Kiwi. And I "staged" the treasure treat scene. Trying to work on video techniques. :-)
The dog park is rarely hit and miss now. She is getting better as she matures. Like most ACD's, I think, she takes no guff from any other dog. She is quick to establish she is no pushover. Occasionally I'll separate her if she becomes part of a group of dogs picking on another. That is not what I appreciate when it happened to Kiwi, so I do what I can to have her act responsible. Was really impressed and proud of her last night at the park. She was with a BC who was play/chasing another, and I decided Kiwi was getting a little too excited, so I barked a Kiwi Down!. And she dropped in mid-run. :-) I immediatley went to her, giving lots of praise and affection. And then she sauntered off to play like a good girl. LOL
R/ Mike
ACDL, it's video magic. I've seen Elvis live. And not at a 7-11 store. LOL
Great movie, wish Dixie could get in the movies. Where is the off leash area you were in? Bill, Diana and Dixie
Thanks for stopping by and enjoying Kiwi's site. This particular day, Kiwi finished her "shopping" with a trip to a local dog park. Somewhere between one and two acres fenced in, so plenty of room to run, chase the ball or enjoy frisbee.
Feek free to send a picture of Dixie, with a some background information, and Kiwi will include Dixie in one of her posts. :-)
R/ Mike
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