Kiwi's friend Jasmine of Vancouver, Wa is another Australian Cattle Dog (ACD) that enjoys getting out and enjoying the Pacific Northwest with her parents. Jasmine is a rescue who is about 3-4 years old (
I actually asked her, but like most ladies, she demurred on giving me a straight answer LOL) and loves the action of frisbee, chasing animals and,
cough, hiking the best parts of the Northwest. :-)

One of her recent outings took her to Beacon Rock Trail. An invigorating climb to dazzling heights from atop Beacon Rock. Providing scenic views of the Columbia Gorge, tumbling waterfalls, and rugged basalt cliffs, all one has to do is point and shoot.

Like all mindful pet owners, safety is paramount. Jasmine is well trained for photo ops and has a rock steady stay. So these pictures, without leash, are for viewing pleasure. The rest of the time on the climb, she made sure her leash carrier was firmly attached. :-)

Safe and comfy for the ride back. Mom, fresh water and then home please. :-)

Jasmine's parents are great photographers. But you don't need Kiwi to tell you that. Just look at some of the pictures of the northwest flora and fauna they are able to record for our pleasure.

Whew, I'm glad the
natural odor of the seals don't come with the photo. ;-) I remember when the sea lions would sun themselves on the hull of the submarine. Noisy fellas too. LOL

Early morning visitor. Whats it's name? Opie, Ophelia, Omar, Oscar, Olivia? Could it be Ted the Thieving Opossum? You decide. LOL

Boy, Kiwi wishes I could take photos like these. :-)
Here below is another great rescue story. This bird, our national symbol, the american bald eagle, was saved from harm and rehibilitated. The release of the eagle back into the wild was reported on the local Northwest news. Some of these photos by Jasmine's mom have been selected for the Audubon Society's website!! You go girl.

It's great to see people nurturing nature and helping sustain Mother Earth. We only have one little blue planet like ours.
Speaking of celestial bodies, it's seems that Mother Nature has cleaned out her summer closet and is ushering in the new fall apparel. Some of which is fashionably highlighted by another celestial body, Jasmine. :-)

And the pumpkins taste
sooo good mom. :-)
So from Jasmine, Kiwi and the leash holders of the Northwest, we wish you all a great time as you enjoy the season of change. Nose bonks and tails wags to all the ACD List members. Peace
My pleasure ACDL. Again, great photos.
R/ Mike
I was curious as to how a photographer captures the silvery hue of the water as it is in motion? This is seen in your picture of the stream right below the frog photo. The stream picture is currently my new wallpaper. :-)
Looking to learn. :-) Thanks for your assistance.
R/ Mike
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